No effort is too small to preserve biodiversity
The IENE 2020 International Conference “LIFE LINES – Linear Infrastructure Networks with Ecological Solutions” was held online, between 12 and 14 January 2021. The conference co-organised by the University of Évora and IENE brought together 293 participants from 41 countries from all continents to share experiences aimed at increasing the environmental sustainability of linear infrastructure. The programme offered four invited plenary sessions, 115 full oral presentations, 13 workshops and 76 posters, 36 of which were associated with lightning talks. The conference also hosted three side events: (1) the workshop “Innovative techniques to mitigate the impact of transport infrastructure on large carnivores” promoted by the LIFE SAFE CROSSING project, (2) the final seminar of the LIFE LINES project on “Replicating ecological solutions in linear infrastructure networks”, and (3) the IENE General Assembly. In addition, a training session on “Monitoring wildlife crossings and road kills” was offered to students, young researchers and practitioners.
At the IENE 2020 conference, the concept of transport infrastructure, commonly used to refer to road, motorway and rail networks, was extended to other linear infrastructure developed for the distribution and transport of energy, water, oil, gas, etc. (i.e. power lines, pipelines, irrigation canals, etc.)