Booklet on design of ecosystem-oriented fauna passages

Booklet release

A new booklet has been released by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation about the design of ecosystem-oriented fauna passages*. It is possible to order a free copy, see below. The booklet has 50 pages and is written in german.

From the preface of the booklet:

… This is the first time that integrative recommendations are given that cover the requirements of the whole biodiversity and therefore do not refer only to individual species. In addition, ecosystemic references are more clearly considered. The requirements resulting from this are concisely explained and vividly illustrated by means of planning guidelines for specific necessities of ecoducts, concrete design examples for various types of ecosystems, instructions for avoiding frequent errors, explanations on the – particularly important and often neglected – substrate management as well as on surface design and hinterland integration. 

The proposed recommendations allow to adapt the state of the art to new scientific findings and thus contribute to the fulfillment of the objectives of the national strategy on biodiversity and the requirements resulting from the federal nature conservation act to avoid and minimize the effects of habitat fragmentation. Application in practice is therefore recommended.

/ Prof. Dr. Beate Jessel (President of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation)

Get a free copy

Get your copy of the booklet by sending an email to Andrea.Loehnert(at) and order “BFN-Skripten 465”.

* Reck, H., Hänel, K., Strein, M., Georgii, B., Henneberg, M., Peters-Ostenberg, E., Böttcher, M.: Grünbrücken, Faunatunnel und Tierdurchlässe – Anforderungen an Querungshilfen. BfN-Skripten 465, 50 Seiten. ISBN 978-3-89624-202-0.