The updated online version of the Book of Abstracts is now available for download. It is also possible for anyone to access individual presentations, abstracts, handouts and other supplementary files from the conference.
- IENE 2014 Book of Abstracts – updated online version
- The IENE Conference Management System (register as reader)
- Read more about the conference at the website

IENE 2014 emphasized the global ambition to achieve a “greener” and more ecologically sustainable transport infrastructure. This ambition is expressed through our striving for a wiser use of marginal infrastructure habitats that favor biodiversity, for more permeable transport corridors that are safe for both humans and wildlife, and for a reduced disturbance and pollution deriving from traffic.
Greener infrastructure stands for transport facilities that are well adapted to the ecological conditions of the surrounding landscape. Yet, we strongly acknowledge, that there are limits to what mitigation alone can achieve. Biodiversity offsetting may provide a helpful complement, but ultimately, we must ensure that certain areas are avoided for future exploitation and thus remain roadless.
With 214 participants from 35 countries worldwide, presenting over 144 lectures and posters in 15 parallel and 6 plenary sessions, 6 workshops and 4 field trips, the IENE 2014 international conference clearly illustrated that transport and ecology is a growing global concern.