
Steering committee meeting – April 7-8, 2016 Published the 18/04/2016

The SC was gathered in Paris for a two days meeting, preparing and discussing the schedule and other details of the IENE 2016 conference. The secretariat reported that IENE hasn’t got any new members since the last SC meeting.

Steering committee meeting – March 8, 2016 Published the 09/03/2016

The SC mainly discussed how to proceed with the scientific publication of papers from the IENE conference, as proposed together with papers from other road ecology conferences. The SC have started to prepare a document about the history of IENE for the celebrations of IENE:s 20th birthday this year. An administrational change in the membership registration was decided by the SC and will be announced to all members shortly. The secretariat reported that IENE has got 4 new members since the last SC meeting (from France, Georgia, USA and UK).

Steering committee meeting – February 2, 2016 Published the 05/02/2016

The SC talked about the preparations of the IENE 2016 conference. On the deadline day, the conference had received more than 250 submitted abstracts and the reviewing process has now started. The celebration of the 20th birthday of IENE during the conference in Lyon was discussed. The half year economic report of the secretariat was presented and the budget for the coming year was decided. The secretariat reported that IENE has got 3 new members since the last SC meeting (from Germany, Hungary and the Netherlands).

IENE Awards 2016 - call for nominations Published the 27/01/2016

Steering committee meeting - January 19, 2016 Published the 25/01/2016

The meeting focused on the preparations of the IENE 2016 conference, its program and the declaration. Some of the SC members are preparing a publication about IENE and its sphere of influence. The SC decided to make an annual report of IENE: a public summary of the achievements and activities in the network during the past year. May 31 was decided to be the deadline for nominations for the IENE Awards 2016 and the call for nominations will be prepared. The secretariat reported that IENE has got 4 new members since the last SC meeting (from Austria, Brazil, Netherlands and Switzerland).

Steering committee meetings 2015 - summaries Published the 01/12/2015

IENE 2016 - call for abstracts and proposals Published the 05/10/2015

Abstract submission is now open for the 5th IENE International Conference on Ecology and Transportation. The conference theme is "Integrating Transport Infrastructure with Living Landscapes" and it will take place in Lyon, France on August 30 - September 2, 2016.

Nature Conservation special IENE issue published Published the 14/08/2015

We are pleased to announce that the special issue of Nature Conservation with proceedings from IENE 2014 international conference is now published and available online. All papers are free to read in fulltext and download as PDFs from the website.

IENE Personal Award 2015 to Jean Carsignol Published the 10/07/2015

The IENE Personal Award 2015 is given to Jean Carsignol. There were no IENE Project Award in 2015, due to lack of nominations.

Handbook of Road Ecology Published the 07/07/2015

IENE 2016 website launched Published the 24/06/2015

4 minutes about effectiveness of toad tunnels Published the 15/06/2015