
Movie of maps with IENE members Published the 21/02/2018

To visualize the global growth of the IENE network, the secretariat has made a movie with maps showing countries with IENE members.

IENE Awards 2018 - call for nominations Published the 12/02/2018

The IENE Steering Committee invites all members of IENE to send their nominations for the IENE Awards 2018. 

IENE workshop in Hungary Published the 12/02/2018

The meeting will take place in Budapest, Hungary, on May 16-17, 2018. The title of the event is "Sustainable transportation in the Carpathian Convention frame".

Steering committee meeting – February 6, 2018 Published the 07/02/2018

Steering committee meeting – January 16, 2018 Published the 16/01/2018

Steering committee meeting – December 5, 2017 Published the 05/12/2017

IENE 2018 - call for abstracts Published the 04/12/2017

IENE now invites professionals and students to submit abstracts for oral presentations, poster presentations and workshops to the IENE 2018 international conference, which will take place in the Netherlands in September. Join the event and share your experiences, best practices and research that reflect the need for crossing borders for greener transport infrastructure.

Steering committee meeting – November 14, 2017 Published the 15/11/2017

Steering committee meeting – October 3, 2017 Published the 03/10/2017

In order to make the work of the Steering committee (SC) more transparent to all members, the SC has decided to regularly publish short summaries of their meetings on the website.

Steering committee meeting – September 5, 2017 Published the 05/09/2017

In order to make the work of the Steering committee (SC) more transparent to all members, the SC has decided to regularly publish short summaries of their meetings on the website.

ANET 2018 conference in Australia Published the 28/08/2017

ANET announces that their next conference will be held on April 30 - May 2, 2018, in Victoria, Australia.

Save the date for IENE 2018 - September 11-14! Published the 08/08/2017

The upcoming IENE 2018 conference will take place in the Netherlands on September 11-14, 2018. So save the date in your calendar!