
Steering committee meeting – August 30, 2016 Published the 16/09/2016

ICOET 2017 in Utah, USA Published the 16/09/2016

The North American equivalent to the IENE conferences will take place on May 14-18, 2017 in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.

Call for contributions: Frontiers - Ecology and Transportation Published the 14/09/2016

Call for contributions to the first international and cross-disciplinary publishing platform for Ecology and Transportation.

Upcoming Post Conference Website Published the 14/09/2016

A post conference website is under construction, and will be available online in November. But, it's already possible to discover what the site will look like in this video!

Spanish guidelines for wildlife crossings and fencing Published the 26/08/2016

A revised and expanded version of the Spanish guidelines document 'Technical requirements for the design of wildlife crossings and perimeter fencing' is now published and available online. The document is written in Spanish, but an English translation is being prepared.

Annual report IENE 2015 Published the 20/07/2016

Winners of the IENE Awards 2016 Published the 18/07/2016

The winners of the IENE Awards of 2016 have been chosen! The Personal Award is given to Lars Nilsson from Sweden and the Project Award goes to the Handbook of Road Ecology.

Steering committee meeting – July 5, 2016 Published the 06/07/2016

Maps and graphs about the IENE network Published the 01/07/2016

New graphs and maps about the IENE members are now available at the website. IENE has today almost 350 individual members from around 280 organisations and representing 49 countries. See all new maps, graphs and statistics about the IENE network here >>

Steering committee meeting – June 7, 2016 Published the 08/06/2016

Steering committee meeting – May 10, 2016 Published the 11/05/2016

The SC mainly talked about preparations for the upcoming IENE conference in Lyon and discussed different suggested ways to celebrate the 20th birthday of IENE. The first preparations for the General Assembly of 2016 was initiated. The secretariat reported that IENE has got 2 new members since the last SC meeting (from Germany and South Africa).

Discussion group for the upcoming conference Published the 02/05/2016

There is now a Facebook group available for all of you that plan on going to the IENE 2016 conference in Lyon.